Efectos del TLC con Estados Unidos sobre la producción nacional de carne de bovino Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Durango Romero, Leidy Johana


  • In the 19th century the livestock in Colombia was characterized by being the main and most widespread economic activity of the country, the topographical characteristics and the location of the Colombian territory have allowed it to have great advantages for the development of the activity, however with the passage of the time the livestock sector, especially the bovine subsector, have been presenting problems of a structural and cyclical nature that have limited their development. In 2012 the Free Trade Agreement with the United States entered into force, which can be seen as an opportunity or as a disadvantage for the Colombian rural sector, can become an opportunity, therefore Colombia has advantages as Natural and cultural biodiversity, livestock tradition, cheap labor, among others; However, TLC can be a disadvantage as long as Colombia does not work in the infrastructure and technology of the sector, in protecting and subsidizing domestic products, as well as in ensuring the welfare of producers and their families. It is important to analyze the variables of the Colombian livestock sector after the signing of the TLC, in order to determine the impact it has had on national bovine production.

publication date

  • 2017-05-26


  • Bovine subsector
  • Health admissibility
  • Impacts
  • Imports
  • Production

Document Id

  • 899e962f-bded-49a5-9b6c-4eae75923b89