Principales causas médicas de ausentismo laboral en sector salud : revisión sistemática Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Currea Penagos, Efrain Arturo
  • Gómez López, Ingrid Johanna
  • Valencia Ascencio, Leidy Natali

external tutor

  • Carrascal Anzoátegui, Cesar Augusto


  • Absenteeism is a fault of the companies that generates negative results for them, in the health sector, it is aproblem that occurs daily, and affects the health service provider and the person who needs the service. Objective: make a compilation of scientific research about the predisposing factors for absent in the health personnel. Methodology: terms of absenteeism, absenteeism due to medical reasons, and related, were searched in databases, whith the aply of filters 30 significant studies were obtained. Results: within the predisposing factors it was found that the women absent more times (exceeds 72% of cases in all studies) compared to the male (maximum 27%), the main pathology of absence is musculoskeletal (20.2% to 39.1% in all studies) followed by mental involvement (7.9% to 27.3), factors such as seniority in the employment, age and type of pain were also found, but it was not a representative rank between them. Conclusion: was found that the women represent a very high rate respect to men, the main reason for absence is skeletal muscle followed by mental health, significant results were also related with age, occupation, antique, days of absence and type of muscle pain. The importance of be carefull with healthcare service and the function they are exposed is concluded.

publication date

  • December 11, 2019 11:44 AM


  • Absenteeism
  • Healthcare
  • Sick leave

Document Id

  • 901f4893-b8b4-4d9a-b681-de61ef22b9dc