Análisis del fenómeno migratorio y la idea de razón pública Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Salazar Rojas, Diana Carolina


  • The main idea of the present work is to analyze the migratory phenomenon in the framework of globalization, and the idea or public reason raised by the philosopher John Rawls. Even though many academic approximations have been made to this subject, the idea of public reason, in this specific case, is essential to understand the normative difficulties that rise as consequence of the defense and recognition of immigrants rights in a new society. In his theory, Rawls consider the kind of relationship that should take place between citizens, between government and citizens, and some of the most problematic issues with immigration phenomenon, this is, what kind of obligation States should have with immigrant groups. The main fact here are the just defenses of these rights, taking account the necessary path to keep principles of equality, freedom and autonomy for these groups in a liberal and democratic society.

publication date

  • January 26, 2012 5:42 PM


  • Globalization
  • Immigration
  • John Rawls
  • Public reason idea

Document Id

  • 96c483a2-7635-4352-a15e-bbc87d1ebf7c