Calidad de vida laboral y liderazgo en trabajadores asistenciales y administrativos en un centro oncológico de la ciudad de Bogotá Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Acosta Amador, Natalia
  • Espinosa, Juan C
  • Hernández Martínez, Fernanda Lucía


  • The aim of this study was to describe the work Quality of Life (WQL) and perceived leadership style by administrative staff / and health care personnel in a oncological center and estimate the association between them, considering sociodemographic characteristics. We applied the Professional Life Questionnaire [PLQ-35] and Pitcher Adjectives Test [PAT]. In general, participants have a satisfactory WQL, mainly characterized by intrinsic motivation, which was most evident in the care team. Respect to leadership, there was perceived lack of leadership or undesirable features of it, which not determines the WQL but constitute a modulator factor. Sociodemographic variables were not related to the WQL. Finally it highlights the social responsibility that managers have on welfare of health workers, and consequently, on the patient care. We discuss these findings, and the relevance of utilize the emerging categories of PAT

publication date

  • 2013-02-18


  • Labor wellbeing
  • Leadership
  • Work Quality of Life (WQL)

Document Id

  • 98bf5241-0e52-4593-90d6-fc01770a8212