Análisis de la incidencia del postconflicto ruandés en la seguridad de la zona Kivú Norte en la República Democrática del Congo (2003 - 2009) Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • García López, Marta Lucía


  • The African continent has been characterized for the several interstate and intrastate conflicts especially after the Cold War. That is why there is an interest to broaden the studies on security, in order to not only understand this reality but also to provide possible solutions to these intense conflicts that have their origins within the States and that it would inevitably threaten the security of the region. Hence, this investigation analyzes the incidence of the post-conflict of Rwanda in 1994, particularly in the region of North Kivu located at the east of the DRC, in order to explain the reasons why it can be traced a transfer of the intrastate conflict of Rwanda to the Democratic Republic of Congo.

publication date

  • January 26, 2012 5:47 PM


  • Armed Conflict
  • Armed group
  • Security
  • Security Studies
  • State

Document Id

  • 9d4c7039-5107-43e7-8d8c-60e3af3ddb91