Revisión y análisis de las asociaciones de recicladores en Bogotá diseñando una estrategia de negocio para la valorización y reutilización de residuos sólidos Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Fernández Céspedes, Karen
  • Martínez Cuervo, Diana Catalina
  • Walter López, Mariana


  • This document is based on the study of three different associations of the recycling sector: “Ecoalianza”, “Asociación de recicladores de Suba”,and “Centro de reciclaje La Alquería”, for knowing the effects from the implementation of garbage program “Basura Cero”, which main objective, besides of restructuring the operating model with private companies and change the pricing and financial scheme, is to institutionalize the recycling activity in the city and create an inclusive policy of recycling in response to Article 275 of 2011 that was decreed by the constitutional court. Throughout the document, the current situation of the three associations is described, considering the national and district legislation on recycling and the impact that this has had on the development of the business model. Furthermore and to complement this research, a SWOT analysis was performed in order to know the weaknesses, opportunities, strengths and threats that these associations have as businesses. Finally, a tool is included for allowing the recycling associations to control financial movements as a mechanism of assessment and control of resources. Moreover, it is intended to analyze the perception of those businesses in legal, organizational and financial matters and to synthesize the scope and constraints of the business model according to public policy.

publication date

  • 2015-04-13


  • Business model
  • Environmental policy
  • Legislation
  • Recyclers associations
  • Recycling

Document Id

  • a0f407f8-8023-49c5-b707-737656889a0e