Ideación suicida y desesperanza en pacientes con cáncer Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Solórzano Forero, Laura Sofia


  • The main objective of this study was to identify the relationship between suicidal ideation and hopelessness of 160 cancer patients. The suicidal ideation was measured by using two items of a semi structured interview, the suicidal ideation scale (ISS), and the item number 9 of Beck’s depression inventory (BDI-IA). Hopelessness was measured using the Beck’s hopelessness scale (BHS). The results showed a significant relationship (p= .000) between suicidal ideation and hopelessness; a prevalence of suicidal ideation in cancer patients among 4.4% and 13.8%, a suicide risk degree of 5.6% and 30.6% plus some degree of hopelessness in 39.9% of the participants. According to the previous data the relationship between hopelessness and suicidal ideation in oncologic patients is confirmed. It is also understood that these variables are present in the patients and that they require an interdisciplinary intervention.

publication date

  • 2016-06-16


  • cancer patient
  • hopelessness
  • suicidal ideation
  • suicide risk

Document Id

  • a565206a-7a9e-4a5d-8514-3dc3ce6a3628