Metodologías de innovación para fortalecer las habilidades de trabajo en equipo en los estudiantes de enfermería durante el desarrollo de las AIAS (actividades integradoras de aprendizaje por sistemas) Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Amador Munoz, Diana Patricia
  • Rodríguez Jiménez, Mónica María del Pilar


  • Teamwork is an essential skill that healthcare personnel must develop to work effectively. This makes it a highly valued quality and therefore one of the pillars of current education. It is necessary for the students to be better prepared to face increasingly competitive environments. However, the development of these skills, management, diplomacy, assertive communication, leadership and other skills to work in a team at an outstanding manner is complex and requires time. Over the development of this work, we took advantage of the facilitation groups in which the students develop the academic work of the Integrative Learning Activities by Systems (AIAS). These are part of the institutional strategy and of the School of Medicine and Health Sciences, which, based on problem-based learning (PBL), focuses on learning and promotes teamwork. Clinical cases designed by a group of expert teachers in different areas are used as triggers to promote problem-solving skills in students through the application of knowledge under the guidance of a facilitator. This pedagogical innovation project is based on the application of diagnostic and Design Thinking tools to develop a strategy that involves the use of the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® tool in the management of more collaborative environments. This strategy invites participants to “think with their hands” through a metaphorical and three-dimensional model in an environment that facilitates active listening, ideas generation without pointing, problem solving and decision making. The implementation of the project allowed the identification of the benefits of serious gaming in the participation and commitment of the members. We describe the challenges for implementation, keys for its use and identification of future opportunities.

publication date

  • October 10, 2023 5:30 PM


  • Health education
  • Innovation

Document Id

  • a9e346db-1b31-498b-9f6c-db30f09bc442