La organización : una aproximación desde la psicología positiva Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Díaz-Granados Puente, Andrés


  • Currently, psychological problems like stress and depression appear in the company, dueto external economic factors, such as crises and unemployment, and internal like delivery times,sales pressure and tension, etc. These psychological problems affect both the individual (physicaland mental exhaustion, constant fatigue, anxiety, low mood, memory lapses) as well as theorganization (low yields and low productivity). In contrast, positive psychology appears, which isdefined by Seligman as an approach that seeks personal wellness through empowering positiveemotions like hope, resilience and optimism. Hence, there have been studies that show manyapproaches to the organization through this theory. This paper is a theoretical review of what theresearchers discuss about organizational behavior seen from the psychological approach, which willtouch topics such as leadership, organizational climate and work teams.

publication date

  • 2012-10-22


  • Organization
  • Positive Psychology

Document Id

  • af175d33-2de7-408b-9560-0d6c12dd6242