Estrés laboral y su relación con los turnos y áreas de trabajo en el personal que labora en campos de perforación de una empresa del sector hidrocarburos en Colombia Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Pinzón Rodríguez, Katia Melisa

external tutor

  • Rodríguez Malagón, Nelcy
  • Villalobos Fajardo, Gloria Helena


  • The personnel who are working in field areas in hydrocarbon companies systematically face to different occupational exposure that may be related to stress job, or have some kind of impact on this sense. Objective: to establish the prevalence of stress symptoms perceived by a group of employees who are working in four fields Hydrocarbon drilling and identify their relationship with the shift and area Job (Administration and Production) In carrying out their work. Methodology: Cutting cross-sectional study methodology, a version of the hydrocarbons sector operating in the municipality of Puerto Boyacá, with a sample of 115 employees the information was collected by questionnaire applicated for to the evaluation of stress - Third versions of Health and Social Protection of the Republic of Colombia and the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Results: The most frequent gender was male with 86 %, and the 39% of the workers are in the age group between 47-57 years referred a higher level of stress. It was observed that the operational and professional line, analysts, reported high stress levels. Conclusions: The job developed by the personnel who worked by shifts in shifts in drilling fields, it is a generator of job stress, therefore it must be monitored regularly, emphasizing the promotion of healthy working styles and diagnostic prevention with affect the behavioral component.

publication date

  • August 19, 2015 5:09 PM


  • Oil workers
  • shift work
  • stress symptoms.

Document Id

  • b164e767-0444-4591-a6a4-3e00cc6a68eb