Cultura e innovación en empresas con relaciones de cooperación inter organizacional Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Osorio Marín, Mauren Derly


  • A big number of companies are embedded in a market space currently known and saturated of competitors. Innovation is one of the main alternatives for companies to find strategic positioning and adapt to the changing environment (Kim & Mauborgne, 2005). Also, Demirci (2013) ensures that culture is a key factor in innovation, as it is strongly associated with the values, attitudes, behaviors and organizational practices. This research includes the study of organizational culture and innovation in the context of inter-organizational cooperation strategies where it is argued that the cooperation degree between companies has an effect on cultural values and incorporating innovations for each organization. For this, it was carried out a quantitative research with a descriptive scope and non-experimental and cross sectional character, whose unit of analysis were 20 companies in ParqueSoft Manizales network. For the measurement of innovation variables was applied a tool based on the Oslo Manual of the OECD and Eurostat (2005) which encompass product, process, marketing and organizational innovation. Regarding cultural values measurement was used a questionnaire inspired in model of Hofstede (1980). The results obtained allowed to demonstrate the relationship between cooperation degree and cultural values: power distance and tolerance of uncertainty, but it did not allow to determine the relationship with the generation of product, process, marketing and organizational innovation, as well as between cooperation and the other dimensions of Hofstede model.

publication date

  • 2015-04-27


  • Hofstede’s model.
  • Oslo Manual
  • cooperation
  • cultural values
  • innovation
  • non-technological innovation

Document Id

  • b2f5222b-05b3-4340-93ce-3ede2e8458ff