La “narcoguerrilla” como noticia: un análisis de la representación de las relaciones entre narcotráfico y guerrilla en la prensa colombiana (1982-2002) Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Castillo Marín, Olga
  • Pérez Díaz, Jenny Paola


  • This paper analyzes the representation offered by the major Colombian newspapers (El Tiempo, El Heraldo, El País y El Espectador) about the controversial connections between drug traffic and guerrilla, in the period between 1979 and 2002. The study verified that the discourse on narcoguerrilla in the press is vague in that there has been not clear explanation of the phenomenon, not resulting this on its disuse. Moreover, the journalistic representation has varied depending on the players involved and the political situation of the moment, which implies the appearing of contradictions. The paper argues that the press legitimized the official discourse of the narco-guerrilla, which began as a military strategy and that is maintained through its enhancement by a fraction of the Colombian Armed Forces with some National Government and U.S. employees.

publication date

  • 2009-09-14


  • FARC
  • Guerrilla
  • Press
  • drug traffic

Document Id

  • bd024bc0-e002-454d-ab51-b54e15e00baf