Disputas sociales en la construcción de verdad: un análisis del proceso de justicia y paz del Bloque Vendedores de Arauca Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Cortes Piraquive, Janeth Paola


  • This is an investigation based on the procedural paradigm, trying to interpret the judicial process carried out with the paramilitary Bloque Vencedores de Arauca, from its demobilization and the development of hearings to the publication of sentences to punish the paramilitary candidates and repair the victims. This analysis, based on legal anthropology, seeks to understand the existing overlaps and connections between law and the construction of social realities; that is, to understand the connections between law, culture and society, using disputes as a form of interpretation.

publication date

  • October 17, 2020 12:04 AM


  • Judicial truth
  • Justice and peace
  • Legal anthropology
  • Paramilitarism

Document Id

  • cb765bfe-3888-43b8-a316-4d486f7de81e