Los Hot Spots : ¿Una alternativa para reducir los niveles de delincuencia en Bogotá? Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Ramírez Peñaloza, Angie


  • The interest of this monograph is to study the incidence of the citizen security strategy called Hot spots Policing regarding Bogota's delicuency rates during the period of the Mayor Samuel Moreno 2009-2011, taking as cases of study Avenida 19 and Zona Rosa (Chico El Lago). This research is conducted from the theoretical and practical concepts that the Hot Spots model has shed after its implementation in 18 cities worldwide, and which are used as a tool in order to analyze the transformations of the crime in the studied zones. In this way, it is possible to move on the result that allows to identify the factors that prevented the Hot Spots model to be executed and implemented effectively and so the levels of crime in Bogotá did not decrease.

publication date

  • March 31, 2014 2:24 PM


  • Bogotá.
  • Hot spots
  • citizen’s security
  • critical areas
  • levels of delinquency

Document Id

  • cfecb99b-e6fd-47ee-abef-7edf8d8c5071