Liderazgo y Clima Organizacional en un Colegio de Cundinamarca. Lineamientos Básicos para su Intervención Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Contreras Rios, Doris
  • Jimenez Ayala, Luisa Fernanda


  • The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze the leadership of managers and organizational climate present in a College of Cundinamarca and based on it, propose some guidelines for intervention. For this purpose, a descriptive study, where leadership and organizational climate were measured through two instruments developed: The Pitcher Adjective Test (PAT) (Pitcher, 1997) and Organizational Climate Scale (ECO) (Fernandes, 2008), respectively.The application of these instruments was made collectively, for which we worked with the directors, teachers and students in grades nine, ten and eleven of the College, which constituted the study group. In the case of students, the tests were applied prior parental consent. According to the results, the College studied denotes certain difficulties with regard to some problems of leadership and organizational climate to be operated as a priority. The educational community studied recorded a major disagreement in the way the leadership, either by absence or unwanted exercised in light of the theories and practical ways is exercised.

publication date

  • 2016-03-28


  • Educational Leadership
  • Leadership
  • Organizational Climate

Document Id

  • d055fce3-161c-47b3-acb0-85eb47b8a589