Impacto de los programas de bienestar universitario de la universidad CES sobre la calidad de vida de los estudiantes de pregrado. Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Diaz Cardenas, Jose Frankyl
  • Rivera Suarez, Maria Teresa


  • The universities of Colombia, in compliance with their supporting functions, must promote programs and actions that impact the quality of life of their students and comprehensive training through the areas of university biology through different strategies, however limited. existing knowledge about the effectiveness of university welfare programs. In consequence, this research work seeks to understand the impact on the quality of life of students of the past, from the participation in the offer of programs in the area of university bachelor's at CES University. An observational, descriptive study was carried out, with analytical and transversal intent in which the sociodemographic characteristics were analyzed, the programs and actions offered and the impact achieved in the dimensions of the quality of life of the student who participated in these programs. In this studio, a group of 1214 students took part in academic semesters 2 ° to 11 °, which represents 11% of the university population. The studio's information collection was carried out through a survey that incorporates the instruments: The CES University self-assessment tool, through which it values the services and programs of the university's well-being area (physical training and physical activity) , artistic promotion and university social promotion) on the other hand the WHOQOL-BREF (WHO) instrument, through which the perception of the quality of life of the subject in its physical, psychological, social and environmental dimensions is analyzed. The results obtained are that the participation of students in university bachelor programs is directly related to each of the dimensions of the quality of life of these, A correlation is found between the programs of bienestar Universitario with the dimension of physical health. Likewise, it was observed that the actions of bienestar, the age and socioeconomic strata explain in 40.2% the variability of the dimension of physical health, the 42.9% of the psychological dimension, the 31.4% of the dimension of social relationships and 40% of the dimension of the environment. It can be concluded that the university bachelor's programs have a direct relationship with the perception of quality of life and each of the dimensions of the participants.

publication date

  • July 31, 2020 7:04 PM


  • Quality of life
  • University Students
  • University population
  • Welfare university

Document Id

  • dca643bf-b0d5-498c-bf13-46ca719a1918