Visiones actuales del desarrollo tecnológico en las economías emergentes de Colombia Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Forero Gutiérrez, Valeria


  • In a globalized world, technology determines the competitiveness of a country, which is the base for its economic development. Nowadays, technology evolves constantly and in an increasing way, a situation that entails a new challenge, especially for emerging economies such as Colombia. This document will show the importance of technology in economic development starting from Joseph Alois Schumpeter's theory and supporting it on historical facts such as industrial revolutions. Additionally, the country position will be analyzed in contrast to competitiveness and its current technological conditions. Finally, suggestions about future politics orientations that impulse efficiently the technology nationally will be presented.

publication date

  • May 27, 2019 5:54 PM


  • Creative destruction
  • Emerging economies
  • Innovation
  • Schumpeter's Model
  • Technological development
  • The global competitiveness report

Document Id

  • de21a42a-96e1-426c-9d1b-88adafb098f4