Análisis de la autonomía de la política exterior cubana frente a su dependencia económica de la Unión Soviética en la década de los sesenta Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Vélez Pretelt, Luis Alberto


  • This research focuses exclusively on the relationship between Cuba and the Soviet Union during the sixties, placing not only a structural framework of dependence in the economic sphere but also in a context of political autonomy in relation to that dependency. This will serve to present an alternative to the idea of looking at Cuba as a satellite of the former USSR, as a subordinate of the superpower, but rather identify the key aspects of its foreign policy to support the conclusion that Cuba possessed actual political autonomy despite rely heavily on trade agreements with the USSR and the rest of the socialist bloc.

publication date

  • 2011-07-25


  • Autonomy
  • Cuba
  • Dependence
  • Foreign policy
  • Soviet Union

Document Id

  • de68e1bd-0ab7-47b3-94cc-d0483ac67fbf