Exposición laboral a solventes en empresas afiliadas a una administradora de riesgos laborales 2011 - 2014 Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Madrigal, Diana Marcela
  • Martínez Toro, Aixa Liliana

external tutor

  • Carvajal Ortiz, Reynaldo


  • In Colombia, exposure to organic solvents has been characterized as a Public Health problem, due to its high utilization in industry, due to the inappropriate handling and disposal of these products, which generate environmental and labor pollution. The most commonly used solvents or solvents are Benzene, Xylene, Toluene and Styrene (Aromatic Hydrocarbons) which can have serious effects on health

publication date

  • 2016-12-16


  • Alcohols
  • Aromatic hydrocarbons
  • Permissible limits
  • Solvents

Document Id

  • eb16331e-c6a3-49d7-90f6-b24caccd00aa