Caracterización de la creación de valor, en un grupo de interés priorizado, en una IPS de alta complejidad en la ciudad de Envigado (Antioquia) Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Atehortúa Ramírez, Jorge Enrique
  • Gutiérrez Builes, Fabián Alonso


  • Health systems require a transformation in the short term; where attention must be transformed from volume to value. This study seeks to identify the perception of the management team of an IPS regarding the implementation of a health service delivery model, aimed at creating value based on the one proposed by Michael Porter. The results obtained show a favorable perception of the key criteria (Porter, 2013) for the creation of health value, highlighting the development of robust, easy-to-use, clear and accessible information technology for integrated networks as the most important aspect of attention. In conclusion, work on two of the strategies and investigate the perception in the other interest groups in the future.

publication date

  • October 7, 2019 8:37 PM


  • Health services
  • IPS
  • Stakeholders
  • Value creation

Document Id

  • ebd2f535-acdf-4935-ae11-cf23a3f65c8a