Fanzines de cómic en Bogotá y Medellín 2013 - 2014. Encuentros y divergencias en la supervivencia del cómic colombiano Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Forero Sànchez, Daniela


  • This research describes the dynamics of production and distribution of comic fanzines in the cities of Bogota and Medellin, between 2013 and 2014. Taking account of the close relation between the format and the comic language, and highlighting the strategies that these artists have used to allow the Colombian comic survive.

publication date

  • 2016-03-02


  • Bogotá
  • Comic
  • Medellín
  • Underground

Document Id

  • ed58cfc7-9907-4023-8871-296640b2947d