Estructuración y estrategia de implementación del emprendimiento Easy Clean Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Rojas Corrales, Sebastián
  • Zuluaga Cardona, Juan


  • The business idea is based on a general criterion, to provide those people who, due to specific circumstances, do not have access to wash their clothes or who are charged a very high price for doing so, in order to reach those people, who for the most part they are tourists that if their hotel offers laundry service, it is an expensive service, or university students who come from other regions of the country who come to study alone in Bogota, and decide not to buy a washing machine (these two types of client are our target customer ), they will solve the problem of laundry in an economical way compared to a hotel laundry or conventional laundry, in addition to a quick way because in just thirty minutes they will be given their clothes clean.

publication date

  • 2016-01-16


  • Business idea
  • Clothes
  • Fast delivery
  • Hotel
  • Laundry
  • Low price
  • Self-service
  • Tourists
  • University students
  • Vending machine
  • Wash
  • Washing machine

Document Id

  • f32ff8e0-6dd1-4749-b73a-e9e07c3f97f0