Determinantes sociales y su asociación con la no toma de citología cérvico vaginal en la población rural de Colombia Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Gómez Giraldo, Francy
  • López Rodríguez, María Mónica
  • Sosa Saboyá, Edwin Leandro

external tutor

  • Pinzon-Rondon, Angela Maria
  • Pinzón Rondón, Ángela María
  • Sierra Hincapié, Gloria María
  • Trillos Peña, Carlos Enrique
  • Trillos, Carlos Enrique


  • Introduction: In 2018 in Colombia, the incidence of cervical cancer was 12.7 per 100,000 women, the rural area does not have adequate coverage or monitoring in the CCV. Objective: To determine the association between social determinants and non-taking of CCV in the rural population of Colombia. Materials and methods: Analytical observational cross-sectional study from ENDS 2015 of women residing in rural areas. Results: 8,896 women in the Colombian rural area included in the ENDS 2015, 8,278 women were included in the CCV and 618 had not had it, the latter being our interest group, the determining factors were: living in the Orinoquía and Amazonia OR region: 1, 74 (IC: 1.29-2.34), belong to the ethnic group: Black, mulatto and Afro-Colombian OR: 1.43 (IC: 1.09-1.86) compared to ethnic, marital status never in union OR: 2.95 (CI 2.19- 3.97), not being affiliated with any health regimen or not knowing their affiliation status OR 2.5 (CI: 1.38-2.9), index of lowest wealth OR: 1.39 (CI: 1.06-1.70), having no educational level OR: 2.41 (CI 1.81 - 3.22) or having completed primary school OR 1.26 ( IC: 1.03-1.55). Conclusions: Living in the Orinoquía-Amazonia region, belonging to the black, mulatto, and Afro-Colombian ethnic group, never-married civil status, not being affiliated, not knowing their insurance status, lower wealth index, not having an educational level or having studied until elementary school favored the non-performance of CCV at least once in his life at the time of the study.

publication date

  • July 13, 2020 5:46 PM


  • Cancer of the cervix
  • Cervical vaginal cytology
  • Epidemiological determinants
  • Rural population
  • Social determinants
  • Social determinants of health

Document Id

  • f3bfd667-d686-4387-bfac-bdb308e685ce