Factores de riesgo cardiovascular en hermanos de pacientes con enfermedad coronaria temprana y severa Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Echeverri Arcila, Darío
  • Gil Aldana, Víctor José
  • Soto Sánchez, Patricia
  • Suarez Gómez, Juliana

external tutor

  • Echeverri Arcila, Darío


  • Coronary disease is the leading cause of overall mortality. Despitethe intervention on risk factors the incidence rates of cardiovascular events remainhigh. New “non-traditional” factors have been identified recently, which would bepresent early in cardiovascular disease.Objetive: To demonstrate traditional and non-traditional risk factors in siblings ofpatients with early coronary disease.Methods: Cross-sectional study (n = 94), 10 were excluded for not meeting theinclusion criteria. Were divided into 4 groups each of 21 subjects according to theindex case. Diagnosed with severe coronary disease by coronary angiography.Dividing the groups according to age at diagnosis, younger and older than 50 years,then taking one of his siblings of either sexResults: Levels of Apolipoprotein A (p 0.001 and 0.003) and HDL (p <0.001 and0,007) were lower in patients (younger and older than 50 years) with an acutecoronary event than in their siblings. The hsCRP showed no statistically significantdifferences in the different groups, but there were higher levels of this higherextension of coronary disease.Conclusions: Apolipoprotein A levels were lower in patients with acute coronaryevents in their brothers, the hsCRP is correlated with greater extent of coronarydisease. Further studies are needed, to assess whether the results are reproducible, andprovide more evidence on the issue in order to formalize this practice.Keywords: Coronary Artery Disease, Risk Factor, C-Reactive Protein,Apolipoprotein A-I.

publication date

  • March 11, 2011 9:54 PM


  • Apolipoprotein A-I.
  • Risk Factor

Document Id

  • f605167f-7500-4d7d-9bf2-29bcb3f43f57