Análisis de la incidencia de las redes sociales en la construcción de un movimiento. La Ola Verde en las elecciones presidenciales de 2010 Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Barrios Bernal, Andrés


  • This monograph pretends to revise the incidence that social networks, along traditional and virtual, in the process of construction of the movement “la Ola Verde” in the presidential elections in 2010. This movement constituted as a momentary political and social phenomenon that in few months was able to compete against consolidated political organizations, but was not able to obtain electoral victory. This work is structured in three sections which were born after a characterization of three stages that the Ola Verde movement went through. Also, the present monograph analyses the roll of emotions in traditional social networks and virtual social networks (Facebook and Twitter).

publication date

  • 2013-09-26


  • emotions
  • movement
  • presidential elections
  • social networks

Document Id

  • f70ec040-f0a1-4453-9ec0-20bbeb7ad141