Criminalidad y violencia en Venezuela: análisis de los efectos del narcotráfico en la gobernabilidad del Estado y la seguridad humana (2005-2015) Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Newman Valery, Nicolás


  • This paper aims to account for and explain the phenomenon of crime and violence in the analysis of drug trafficking as a means of action of transnational organized crime in Venezuela. Thus, a relationship between the effects of drug trafficking, governance and human security is made. The development of this research is conduct through a case of study that use a method of qualitative and explanatory research based mainly on primary and secundary sources.

publication date

  • 2017-02-24


  • Drug trafficking
  • Governance
  • Human security
  • Organized crime
  • Venezuela
  • Violence

Document Id

  • f9113185-39d7-483f-895d-5910fa780c8e