La asexualidad y su relevancia en los debates psicológicos y sociales contemporáneos Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Sánchez Martínez, Ingrid Carolina


  • The sexual revolution that took place in the twentieth century, opened a space for the discovery and construction of new identities (homosexual, bisexual, transsexual, intersexual, and more recently asexual) that contribute to that search and construction of who we are, and to frame those paths that can help us understand our subjectivity. Asexuality has been emerging and has been potentiated thanks to the digital era, which enabled the creation of the most important international association of people identified as asexual (AVEN) contributing to its visibility from where it starts to build the definition of this identity , the different manifestations and typologies that can be raised and the delimitations or differentiations with concepts and postures such as celibacy and abstinence. That is why the objective of this work is to analyze and make an understanding of asexuality through a review of literature, which will take a tour of its history, the conceptions that have been adopted from various fields of knowledge such as biological, social, constructivist, psychoanalysis and how feminist and gender theories have influenced and given the possibility of construction and existence of this identity.

publication date

  • November 28, 2019 8:08 PM


  • Asexuality
  • Gender
  • Identity
  • Orientation
  • Ppsychoanalysis

Document Id

  • 01a955ad-cd30-497e-87c9-6883f5946e6d