Percepciones de los estudiantes sobre la relación entre la clase de educación física y la convivencia escolar Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Martín-Parra, Leidy


  • Physical and Education class (P.E. class) is a social space that provides life experiences, since it has a formative and educational character. Few studies link school environment and P.E. classes, considering most studies relate these classes with physiological and/or cognitive benefits in students. An important look abut P.E. class is the values ‘formation, pro-social behavior and tool´s construction to conflict resolution. This work ask about the student’s perceptions about the relationship between P.E. Class and school environment. There are a lack of studies relating school environment and P.E. Classes, since most studies concern these classes and the physiological and/or cognitive benefits for students. The objective of the work was to analyze the perceptions of the students about the PE class, school environment and the relation of these two have. A qualitative study was carried out that compiled the students' perceptions about the learning that the P.E. class has beyond the physical, the atmosphere of coexistence in the classroom and the relationship that these two points. Interviews were made in sixth grade of a Bogotá private school. It was found that physical and education classes can positively affect the coexistence of students by strengthening values and tools for conflict resolution in a non-violent way, so it promotes positive aspects that can promote an optimal school environment.

publication date

  • June 25, 2020 9:15 PM


  • Conflict Resolution
  • Educational environment
  • Perceptions
  • Physical education
  • Recreational Activities
  • Values

Document Id

  • 17fdc109-60f8-450b-be4f-3642c63d341f