Trastornos mentales: Una mirada antropológica sobre la construcción del concepto de salud mental a partir del personal del Hospital Día en Villavicencio Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Vela Mora, Daniela


  • This thesis is about the construction of the concept of mental health by the health personnel of the Hospital Día program in Villavicencio. This research work establishes the different ways in which the professionals of the Hospital Día understand and construct the concept of mental health and the way in which they materialize this concept in their professional practices. By observing and detailing the interactions between mental health professionals and psychiatric patients, it was possible to show that within the Hospital Día program there are different notions of mental health and different forms of treatment. This implies that, within the program, there is no single concept of mental health and that treatments based on biomedicine and treatments designed from the perspective of anti-psychiatry converge in the program. In this research a conceptualization of infantilization towards patients was made, which is anchored to ideals of what a mental patient is and is not. This includes thinking about psychiatric patients from the perspective of minority and disability. Likewise, maternalism is conceptualized as that feeling or need for protection by the team working with the patients. This implies, of course, thinking about notions of gender anchored to tasks focused on the care of others.

publication date

  • August 26, 2020 3:27 PM


  • Anti-psychiatry
  • Childcare
  • Day hospital
  • Health professionals
  • Mental health

Document Id

  • 21c82e65-68d0-415e-b8c1-10b06d99eac0