Las fotografías y sus relatos. Una radiografía del sufrimiento femenino Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Pachano Alvarez, Aurora María


  • Through a study of biographical cases about three women from three different generations: grandmother, mother and daughter, and through ethnographic work, based on the use of photographs as wake-up memories and generators of stories, suffering is analyzed as built and produced by social contexts and how suffering contributes to the social processes of shaping people. The research debates on the intersection of several systems of domination. Through unique experiences also understood as social experiences of production of people, it examines how belonging to these three types of groups affects them: gender, social class, and generation. For this, a matrix of analysis of the modalities of exercise and interpretation of the different kinds of violence is used, which has been applied to the records of experiences associated with the concepts of “violence” and “suffering”. Many investigations in Colombia study the sufferings and violence produced by the armed conflict. This investigation shows that, in some way, there has been another war: against women and children; often silent, invisible, but still, with devastating effects. The work highlights the need to make visible the suffering of people who because of their class or gender status have few opportunities to be heard, with the intention of breaking with the silences that lead to normalize daily violence. Exposing these sufferings - so common, but so invisible - may, hopefully, be a first step to stop being an accomplice of them.

publication date

  • October 29, 2019 12:57 PM


  • Gender
  • Generation
  • Photographs
  • Social class
  • Social suffering
  • Violence
  • Women

Document Id

  • 3f496033-57eb-4675-b7c3-f90cf71980fb