Educación sin escuela, influencia de la trayectoria de vida de las familias de los estudiantes en las prácticas educativas Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Pinzón Reyes, Ingrid Johanna


  • The present document is presented as the thesis to opt for the degree of the Master's Degree in Social Studies of the Universidad del Rosario of Colombia. It presents a sociological analysis of the material heterogeneity of the deschooling practices and education without school in Colombia, based on the theoretical concepts of habitus and the different kinds of capitals, both proposed by the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. The empirical evidence that supports this research was gathered from the study of six cases of Colombian families who educate their children without school, from different ideological positions, and in differentiated social contexts. This exercise reflects on the influence of the social origin of families, and their contexts, on the conditions for individual and collective educational processes. From the perspective of individual educational processes, this research relates the non-schooled educational practices to the subjects' place in the Colombian social context. The educational practices are analyzed at the different social dimensions in which these develop; From this analysis is proposed a critical position towards the structural determinants for the conditions of the deschooling practices in Colombia.

publication date

  • March 18, 2019 1:18 PM


Document Id

  • 55c3f6a9-cd4d-4205-99ea-6c2331474114