La contrademocracia y su influencia en el comportamiento electoral de los municipios del departamento de Bolivar Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Cruz Rodríguez, Esteban


  • This research aims to study the activity of civil society with regard to civil movements, social protests and demands regarding civil rights that have arisen in some municipalities in the north of the department of Bolívar in light of the theory by Pierre Rosavallon entitled The Counter-Democracy. Likewise, it will observe if said manifestations of counter-democracy influence the electoral behavior of those municipalities in which they are present. To do this, the research focuses on the electoral results of the 2014 presidential elections. In this vein, although the research requires various qualitative analyzes that evaluate a relationship between certain variables of the counter-democracy and electoral participation, it will also incur to the qualitative methodology carrying out field work in the highlighted municipalities. Finally, it is stated that studying the relationship between both variables contributes to the understanding of various problems that have affected these regions.

publication date

  • March 16, 2017 11:30 AM


Document Id

  • 64114b7b-cc5c-432b-8f69-204c77d3386a