Análisis de la postura de la oposición política respecto a la discusión del Estatuto de la oposición en Colombia. Estudio de caso: Polo Democrático Alternativo (2006-2012) Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Castro Daza, Diego


  • The discussion of the Statute of the Opposition between the government of Juan Manuel Santos and the opposition Polo Democratico Alternativo (PDA), about guarantees, such as access to the media, the right to reply, security, financing, among others, allows analyze the position of the PDA in these discussions, taking into account its historical development as a party and the configuration of the system, in a country where it distorts and misrepresents the work of the parties that are declared in opposition.

publication date

  • 2013-09-17


  • Government-opposition
  • Minority politics
  • Opposition party
  • Political opposition
  • Statute of the Opposition

Document Id

  • 6a66bd79-41d0-48bc-ae95-7c9edc9d4f00