La heterogeneidad del mundo arhuaco y el café : Una mirada a la temporalidad y a los discursos alrededor de la producción orgánica de café en Jewrwa, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Galvis Malagón, María


  • In this document, my main interest was the organic coffee production in Jewrwa, an arhuaco village in Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. The question that guided my inquiry is: how is the relationship between coffee and some of the Jewrwa habitants being constructed? I argue that organic coffee has a particular productive trajectory in Jewrwa, that has caused heterogeneous impacts on the community. This process has been shaping certain practices and discourses that I analyze through two main points: the construction of a coffee-temporality and the discourses around coffee as a “traditional” crop

publication date

  • October 31, 2017 7:12 PM


  • Arhuaco indigenous
  • Coffee temporality
  • Organic coffee
  • Traditional discourses

Document Id

  • 9a323a74-1585-4eca-a677-c4a9eb018c2b