En busca de la 10. Análisis del proceso de profesionalización de jugadoras de fútbol en Bogotá Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Aparicio Camacho, Santiago


  • This research is a study on the professionalization of soccer players in Bogotá, as a proposal to begin to consolidate an anthropology of professions and a branch within the anthropology of sport that addresses the issue of professionalization. The document is constructed from the life stories of professional players belonging to the Independiente Santa Fe de Bogotá team and also from the relationship between soccer and the mass media. In this measure, the research that I propose seeks to answer the question: How is the process of professionalization of the soccer players of Independiente Santa Fe in Bogotá? From anthropology I consider that analyzing this process of professionalization is related to understanding how women and feminization at work have generated constraints related to a high public acceptance of certain jobs linked to particular conceptions of gender, prestige and better income from a due job to their social conditions and characteristics. The foregoing makes it possible to specify that the concept of profession is the result of the conjunction of historical factors that affect and define, as stated by Cárdenas (2008), autonomy in practice to make decisions within the professional scope. The general objective that I propose for the research is to understand the professionalization process of the soccer players of Independiente Santa Fe (Bogotá), and in turn of the professional female soccer itself. And the specific objectives are: 1) to describe the trajectories that a group of soccer players go through to become professionals; 2) to identify the process of professionalization of the players and of the professional women's football itself 8 from the press; 3) analyze the place of gender and femininity when addressing the issue of professionalization of female players both in the online press (Win Sports and Gol Caracol), and from the experience of female players.

publication date

  • April 12, 2021 5:36 PM


  • Analysis of the professional development of female soccer players in Colombia
  • Anthropology of professions
  • Anthropology of sports
  • Approach to women's football in the Colombian media
  • High performance sportswomen in Colombia
  • Professionalization process of soccer players in Colombia

Document Id

  • bb2ff408-cb45-4466-b90f-53a19f5615ca