La familia Char: Análisis de la estructura electoral de una dinastía política Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Barros Vega, Laura


  • The interest of this paper is to understand how the political power of Char family is transfer in the city of Barranquilla between the period of 2,007 - 2,014. It takes as its premise that political Char groupe have a territorial anchorage, transfers its their votes by the generation of a visible support that helps spread its political capital, the uses of alliances, political machinery, correspondence territorial and strategies to ensure their choice and strengthen the vote of those who are part of his political identity. For the development of this research the methodology tu use is ecological analysis, which helps the interplay and comparison of different economic, cultural, social and demographic dynamics it is used. It is also a useful and necessary tool to study the vote across the territory.

publication date

  • 2016-08-25


  • Alliances
  • Char Family
  • Strategies
  • Territorial anchorage
  • Transfer of political power

Document Id

  • c6194d48-1fd5-40e5-8797-887058633557