Representaciones sociales de riesgo en salud y actividad física en una población adolescente del ITD Julio Flórez de la ciudad de Bogotá Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Agreda Jiménez, Olga


  • In adolescents, the social representations of risk related to health and physical activity have not been addressed in depth. The objective of the research, was to analyze the social representations of risk, health and physical activity constructed by a group of 32 adolescents between 15 and 17 years old. On the other hand, the research method used was interpretive qualitative research method of phenomenological type, the collection of information was based on structured an the analysis from semi-structured interviews and free association of words. The analysis was carried out through the classification and categorization of the information. Risk everything that alters your physical and mental health. Adolescents consider the relationship physical activity and risk accidents are evidenced, it is necessary to transform into these adolescents the representations that associate the practice of physical activity with the possibility of suffering accidents that put their health at risk.

publication date

  • January 22, 2018 7:07 PM


  • Adolescence
  • Health
  • Physical activity
  • Risk
  • Social representations

Document Id

  • ee281e92-05a6-4eee-998c-f7c62f3995aa