“¡Pero al fin y al cabo muñecas!”: Tránsitos, genitalidades y nombramientos en las trayectorias de vida de mujeres transexuales en ejercicio de prostitución en Bogotá Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Castro López, Laura

external tutor

  • Gil Hernández, Franklin


  • This research comprehends the life trajectory of five transsexual women labouring in prostitution in Bogota, parting from the identification of displacement in the corporal terrain, self-recognition and genitality in their process of transformation and/or transition inside a generated space. The identification of what I have named “specific agents of transformation” and “conditions of existent possibilities” guides the process of characterization and analysis of their experiences within transsexualities. Unlike a chronologic line, or of an advance in transition, the notion of generated space permits me to recognise the importance of the differences, the complexities and varieties of velocities and directions that may be present in the corporal experiences.

publication date

  • 9/19/16


  • Embodiment
  • Gender
  • Genitalia
  • Identity
  • Prostitution
  • Transsexuality

Document Id

  • eee70d31-ae53-470d-b652-28b4a10b6671